KSGCC: New Chapter for Kota Seriemas Golf & Country Club

June 2017 saw a new chapter for Kota Seriemas Golf & Country Club. With the arrival of the holy Islamic Month of Ramadhan, where Muslims are obligated to fast from dusk till dawn, the Club play host to thousands of guests who flocked to the Club, to taste for themselves KSGCC’s Laluan Sutera Ramadhan Buffet.
However, the most special night so far during this period was when the Club had the opportunity to organise a special Iftar session at the Club for students and teachers of a nearby charitable foundation and school, Pertubuhan Kebajikan & Pendidikan Ar-Raudhah Malaysia, led by Tuan Haji Salleh Saliyan Al-Hafiz.
Clad in white robes for the boys and baju kurung for the girls, the special guests were feted by the top management of PNBD and KSGCC, including CEO of PNBD, En Mohd Salem Kailany, GM Corporate En Mohd Azman Mohamed Shariff, GM Operations Ir Wan Azian Wan Yusoff & KSGCC Club Manager En Izani Mokhtar.
The students and teachers were treated to the whole Laluan Sutera buffet spread, but children being children, ice-cream were the menu item that seems most popular for their iftar!
After a satisfying meal and performing the Maghrib prayer in congregation at the Club’s surau, En Mohd Salem Kailany gave a brief speech celebrating our special guests, followed by a welcome speech by En Izani.
Thereafter En Mohd Salem Kailany, En Mohd Azman Mohamed Shariff, Ir Wan Azian Wan Yusoff & En Izani Mokhtar presented some gifts and contributions to the teachers and the fifty students, most of whom are orphans or those coming from poor or troubled families.
It was a beautiful day for all of us. We feel humbled to be in company of the children and the teachers, and thankful for all the blessings that we have. We wish all the best to Tuan Haji Salleh and all the teachers and students under his wing, and will certainly make the effort to see them again in the future.